Saturday 4 August 2012

Life and works of Nelson Mandela

Life and Work of Nelson Mandela

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in a town near Umtatain the Transkei the 18 from July from 1918. His father was main advisor of the Supreme Head of Thembuland, that to the death of Mandela father happened to be tutorial of the young person it trained and it to assume the leadership. Never the less, influenced by the law suits that appeared before the court of the Head, the Mandela young person decided to become lawyer. Having listened to the stories of the old ones about the anger of the ancestors during the wars of resistance in defense of the mother country, he also dreamed about contributing to the fight of liberation of his town. When concluding the primary education in a local school of missionaries, Nelson Mandela went to Healdtown,wesleyana secondary school of certain reputation. It registered then in the University School of Fort Hare to obtain his title of Bachelor in Arts. There it was elect member of the Council of Student Representatives, but it was expelled in 1940 along with Oliver participate in a student strike. One moved to Johannesburg, where in 1941 it completed his studies of baccalaureate by correspondence in the Unisa, and soon studied right in the University of Wiswatersrand. One began in the policy during his student stage in Johannesburg, getting up it self to the African National Congress in 1942. After the victory of the South African National Party in 1948, with its policy of racial segregation, (the apartheid), Mandela acquires importance with in the African National Congress, especially in the Campaign of civil disobedience of 1952, and the Congress of the Town of 1955, in which the adoption of " Letter of the Libertad" it provides the main program in the cause against the apartheid. Initially it jeopardize with the no violent methods of resistance, following the inspiration of Ghandi, Mandela and other 150 companion sare arrested the 5 of December of 1956, and sentenced to prison, that fulfills between 1956 and 1961 until being released which under goes arupture, and arises a new class from black activists,the africanists, in demand of more drastic actions against the regime of the National Party.The 5 of August of 1962 are arrested after living fleeing during several months, and reduced to prison in the fort of Johannesburg to direct a strike in 1961 and to leave the country illegally. The 25 of October of 1962, are sentenced to five years in prison. Soon later it was sentenced to 25 years of prison. Finally, Frederik De Klerk, president of the Republic by the National Party, had to yield before the evidence and to lay the way to disassemble the racial segregation, releasing to Mandela in 1990 and turning to him into its main interlocutor to negotiate the democratization process. Mandela and Of Klerk shared the Nobel prize of peace in 1993. The elections of 1994 turned to Mandela into the first black president of South Africa; from that position it started up a policy of national reconciliation, maintaining to Of Klerk like vice-president.
"During all my life I have dedicated myself to this fight of the Africantown. I have fought against the white domination, and have foughtagainst the black domination. I have looked for the ideal of a free anddemocratic society, in which all the people live on opportunities. It is an ideal that I hope to be able tolive to see realised. But it is necessary, it is an ideal by which I ampreparation to die" Nelson Mandela

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